
To put it simply, I personally don’t collect any data from you, unless you sign up to get notifications of my posts via e-mail or subscribe to my newsletter. In those cases, I collect your e-mail address and first name. That’s it. And I use it for notifying you of new posts or sending you the newsletter you’ve subscribed to. That’s it. If you contact me through my contact form, I’ll obviously then have your e-mail address and whatever other information you tell me when you contact me. I’ll only use this information for the purpose of answering your query, and then it will be lost in the dustbin of old e-mails. I hate marketing, and even if you really want to buy my stuff and beg me to put you on my mailing list, I’m highly unlikely to send you an e-mail advertising my latest book or whatever. It’s possible I’ll get better about this in the future … but unlikely.

However, Automattic (WordPress’s parent company) collects data on your activity when you visit my site, as outlined in it’s privacy policy here. Yeah, they track me, too. They’re much better at selling things than I am.

If at any point you’re being bombarded with stuff from me you don’t want or if you have any questions about my use of your data, please contact me immediately, and I’ll do my best to sort it out for you.